Growing Out My Hair + Keeping it Healthy

The 2015 version of myself would be so proud of me right now. I have naturally super coarse, curly, and dry hair that used to be so hard to manage. I ended up damaging it pretty badly from over-using heat tools during my senior year of high school, and I feel like my strands have just gotten back to “normal” within the past year or so! I say all that so that I can tell you that I now know how to keep it healthy, what NOT to do, and how to grow it long and strong.


First of all, this is a photo from the fall of 2015 (my sophomore year at Clemson) and OMG this is an S.O.S. Like seriously, could someone not have helped me?? Obviously my locks are much shorter and the ends are visibly damaged. It’s a good 3-4 inches longer than this now!

Okay, now for current pics so you can see the transformation. My hair is visibly healthier, smoother, and longer now! Bless ?? There are so many things that I’ve learned over the past few years that have really helped transform my hair. Have any of you dealt with similar damage?? How’d you fix it?


How to Grow Healthy HairHow to Grow Healthy HairHow to Grow Healthy HairHow to Grow Healthy Hair

sweater // black jeans // sunglasses // coin necklace (similar) // hoops


Here’s my complete list of DO’s and DON’Ts so you can avoid hair damage and live your best hair life!!


1. DON’T wash your hair every single day – it will only make it weaker. Just use a little dry shampoo in between washes. (I only wash mine twice a week!)


2. DO use a sulfate-free moisturizing shampoo and conditioner + a protecting heat spray.


3. DON’T use heat tools every single day. Find some fun hairstyles (braids, ponies, etc.) that you can do on your no-heat days. I love to use this Pinterest board to brainstorm!


4. DO use a nourishing mask at least once a week. I love this one from Amika!


5. DON’T sleep with your hair in a tight hairband – use a gentle scrunchie to pull it up while you sleep. Bonus points for using a silky pillowcase to protect your strands!


6. DO consider getting a Brazilian blowout if you have coarse/dry hair like me. Read more about the treatment in this blog post I wrote last year!


7. DO take a daily Biotin supplement for growth. I credit Biotin + my Brazilian blowouts for my successful hair growth!


8. DO get a trim at least every 3 months. I used to NEVER get my hair cut – now that I’m on a strict trimming schedule, it minimizes the possibility of split ends and breakage.


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