Wedding Wednesday No. 18 // Our New Wedding Month!

I never thought that I would be writing a #WeddingWednesday blog post about “Our New Wedding Month” – it all seems so surreal! When we got engaged in March of 2019 and set our wedding date for April 4, 2020, we could have never seen this coming, along with so many other couples during this strange season. I would be lying if I said that this past weekend wasn’t really hard for us! Rudd and I should be in the middle of our week-long honeymoon right now, but instead, we’re going on a month of being apart.


Our New Wedding Month! (Because of the Coronavirus)

“Future Mrs.” Veil


We’re working really hard to stay positive and keep our spirits up knowing that the best truly is yet to come! One thing that is really boosting our morale is the fact that we have our NEW wedding date to look forward to!! I have felt a little bit hesitant to share this information with all of you because part of me is still nervous that the current Covid-19 crisis, along with the social distancing rules, might not be completely over by then. I know there are June brides that are currently fretting over their original dates! But, I’m so thankful that Rudd, along with my family, has encouraged all of us to think on the BRIGHT side of things in hope that everything will be on the upswing soon.


With that said, I’m so excited to let y’all know that our wedding has been postponed to



We have officially started our wedding countdown over again, and are thrilled that we were able to secure a date with *most* of our original vendors that isn’t too far from April. I’ll also let you in on ONE other little secret – pretty much all of the Saturday’s in the summer were already booked for our church and reception venue, which was disappointing at first. Then we thought: What about a Friday??


If you know me, you know I typically like to keep things really traditional, and the thought of getting married on a Friday has never crossed my mind! Once we starting asking our vendors for available Friday’s in the summer, everything started aligning for our late June date. So, here we are with a postponed wedding on a Friday! It’s so funny how things turn out sometimes, but we feel really grateful for this unexpected twist.


I want to give a quick shoutout to all of my amazing vendors that I will get to share with you later this summer! Each one of them has shown so much grace and care during this past month as we scrambled to reschedule things. If you’re a bride who is also having to find a new wedding date, comment and let me know what it is! I love having this conversation with other people!!



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