The Only Planner You’ll Ever Need

If you know me, you probably know how much I love my Day Designer planner! Here’s a question for you:


Has life’s day to day chaos left you longing for a more balanced and well-designed life?


I’ve been there, and have thankfully found this tool that has helped bring clarity to that chaos.


When something solves a problem for me, I always want to share it with y’all! Day Designer has helped me maintain balance, focus and productivity in my life by helping me streamline my daily routine.



I’ve had my Day Designer for over a year now, so my gold dot version isn’t in stock anymore BUT they have tons of cute patterns and colors that just launched. My planner runs out in June, so I’ve got my eye on a few of these. (Click on the pictures below to shop!) I think the palm print is my favorite as of right now , but I also really love the black spotty print.




PictureThe Day Designer isn’t just a planner – it’s seriously a life changer. You get an ENTIRE PAGE for each day with an hourly schedule, and places for notes & to-dos! I always sit down on Sunday afternoons to plan out the rest of my week. I use the hourly schedule to pen down appointments, my class schedule, workout classes, and set meeting times. Then I go through and pencil-in other to-dos like laundry day (usually Sundays & Wednesdays), social events, my blog schedule, and other things that are a little up in the air.

Each daily planning page also has a “today’s top three” section. I use this box to write down the things that HAVE to be done on certain days. I prioritize those 3 things every morning to make sure I get them done. Anything that I don’t get done, I copy over to the next day.
My favorite thing about this planner is the mindset that comes with it. The very first pages of the planner include space for yearly and monthly goals, and gives you timelines to make sure that you achieve them. The Day Designer brand also publishes free printables and helpful lists like the one below – 10 essential ways to plan a successful day!


The Day Designer - 10 ways to plan a successful day |

I would love to answer any questions that you have about the planner, or how I use it in my daily life. It really does change the way that I look at my days, and I hope that it will help you too!


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