The Nest

I’ve always been a reader since I was little. Nothing is better to me than settling in with a good book and a cup of tea after a long day. I decided that in 2018, my goal is to read one “fun” book a month, which I think is very doable. BUT, meeting goals is wayyyy more fun with friends, so if you’re challenging yourself to read more often OR if you’re looking for a good book, here’s your invitation to jump on the train.


February Book Club |

On the first day of every month in 2018, I will be posting my “book of the month” that I’ll be reading! Then at the end of the month, I’ll post a review and we can all discuss via Insta-comments, etc…

SO, without further ado, February’s book of the month is “The Nest” by Cynthia Sweeney. 

February Book Club |



If you’ve read it before, SHHHHH, plz don’t tell me what happens. I actually cheated a little bit and have already read the first 4 chapters (oops) but it is so good so far. It’s set in New York and is centered around adult siblings who are desperate for their trust fund money, but find themselves in an unusual situation. It is very well written and super witty, which I find entertaining. PLUS it’s a beautiful book, right?? I can’t think of anyone who wouldn’t want it sitting on their shelf, really.
February Book Club |
You can buy the book here from Amazon for less than $10, or check it out from your local library (my fave). I also get a lot of questions about the pink furry slippers I’m wearing in these pictures, so you can shop them here
Who’s reading with me?? Comment on this post or on Instagram and let me know!! Can’t wait to write the final review and see what all of you think. Happy February, friends! <3

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