Taming my Curly Hair

My journey with my naturally curly hair has been a long one, but I feel like I’ve finally reached a point where I feel like I can shed some light on how to tame curls + frizz for good. If you’re a fellow curly-girl I would LOVE to hear about the products and processes that have helped you! I’m always learning and love to discover new beauty trends, which is part of what has led me to write this post.
Since I was little, I’ve had little ringlet curls that scrunch up if I let my hair air-dry. In middle/high school, I used to dread washing my hair because I knew that meant at least 30 minutes with a blow dryer and then 45 minutes with a straightener/curling iron. (And no, I never really liked embracing my natural texture. My curls are actually very uneven – tighter in the front, then some loose curls and semi-straight pieces in the back!) After years of fighting with my hair via too much heat from styling tools, my strands became very dry and damaged.


Taming My Curly Hair | margaretchase.com

When I got to that point, I knew that I needed to find a solution to the never ending cycle of damaging my hair. I decided to go to my mom’s “hair lady” in Columbia (Amber Flowers at Studio Fringe) for a consultation. First of all, I needed to be getting my hair trimmed wayyy more often. I was so desperate for my hair to be longer that I just avoided trimming it at all costs, which actually enabled it to become weaker. Second of all, we had to address the issue of my dry and unmanageable texture, and how we could fix it. Amber introduced me to the “Brazilian Blowout” treatment which you may or may not have heard of. You might be more familiar with Keratin treatments, but those are entirely different. A Keratin treatment is a straightening treatment, unlike a Brazilian blowout. It also requires you leave the treatment in your hair for 3 days afterwards without getting it wet! (With the blowout, you are good to go right when you leave the salon!)
The Brazilian blowout treatment smooths your hair without straightening it. It lasts for 3 months at a time and builds upon itself (AKA once you’ve had 2 or 3 treatments in a row, it might last for 4 or 5 months). Now when I go out in the heat of the summer when the humidity in the Carolinas is at 800%, my hair doesn’t miss a beat and doesn’t even try to frizz up like it used to. One of the best results of the blowout is that it seriously cuts my blow dry time in HALF. I used to only shower at night because I knew I wouldn’t have time to do my whole hair process in the morning, but with the Brazilian blowout, my hair goes from wet to styled in under 30 minutes. I’ve been getting the treatment consistently for around 2 years and I go to Amber every 3-4 months to get it re-done + to refresh my highlights!


Taming My Curly Hair | margaretchase.com

*Important!* With the Brazilian Blowout, you can only use sulfate free products on your hair, or it will strip the treatment. I love L’Oreal’s Ever Pure sulfate free line SO much! You can get it anywhere – I used the “moisture” shampoo + conditioner but there are so many different kinds to choose from according to your hair type. (Price is very reasonable for being sulfate free – only around $7 a bottle.) Sulfate free products are also ideal for color-treated hair and will help your color stay in longer! In the photo above, I’m holding L’Oreal’s sulfate free
“Repair Remedy Mask” I use this once a week in the shower to keep my hair healthy and strong.
Taming My Curly Hair | margaretchase.com

Taming My Curly Hair | margaretchase.com

When I’m at the salon at Studio Fringe, Amber always uses Moroccan Oil hair products on me! I recently started using their “Repair” line for my shampoo and conditioner and I absolutely love it. If you’re looking for something sulfate-free that is professional grade, this is the way to go! They have so many other products that I’ve been dying to try, too!

Okay, that’s the end of my spiel on how much I love the Brazilian Blowout treatment and why I think it’s so worth it (especially if you live in a humid climate like me!) If you have any Q’s or have had a similar experience, I would love to hear from you!


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