My Goals for 2020

Instead of resolutions, I usually just try to set real, attainable goals for myself at the start of the new year! 2019 was a year of a lot of new, exciting things + a lot of change. I got engaged, switched jobs, bought a house with Rudd + started renovating it, and ran full speed ahead into planning our wedding.


My Goals for 2020

slippers // faux leather leggings // fleece sweatshirt // Day Designer planner // cross earrings // striped travel mug


2020 is looking very similar in that there will also be a lot of new, exciting things + a lot of change (in the best way!) We are getting married in April, then I’ll be moving into the new house – Rudd started living there last fall! The biggest change for me is going to be moving out-of-state from South Carolina (the only place I have ever lived, besides summer internships) to North Carolina, which I realize is not far away, just different!  With all of that in mind, I’ve rounded up a list of goals that I want to achieve in my personal life + business this year!


1. Travel more often.  Rudd and I have a whole list of places we want to go together within the country, and abroad! We are so excited to be able to travel together more often, and are hoping to mark our calendars for a few fun destinations this year.


2. Get into a routine after the wedding/move!  The past year of engagement, wedding planning, & buying a house in a different state has left me without a normal daily/weekly routine! I’m SO excited to settle into our house and establish a normal schedule in all areas of my life. Does anyone else thrive off of a routine?!


3. Grow this blog by 100%.  I am so thrilled about all of the upcoming partnerships I have coming up for the blog this year, and I can’t wait to share them with you! I’m also hoping to do a lot more giveaways and bring you so much more “real life” content post-wedding!


4. Just start.  This seems so obvious, but when it comes to writing a blog post, doing a workout, or completing wedding tasks, it usually makes it SO much better if I stop thinking about it and JUST START. Sometimes that’s the hardest part of doing something, and then it’s usually all downhill from there! Something I want to remember throughout this year.


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