How to Spring Clean Your Closet

If you’ve been following along on my Instagram over the past week, you know that I cleaned out my closet and listed tons of items for sale on @shopcollectivelycarolina. It has been soooo nice to have a fresh and organized closet for the spring! After several of you asked about my clean-out method (I got rid of over 100 items!) I thought it would be fun to share the details in a blog post. Are you typically a spring cleaner?? Or do you just get rid of things throughout the year? Let me know in the comments!


striped top // ripped jeans // cross earrings // initial necklace // apple watch // leather watch band


To be completely honest, I had been putting off cleaning out my closet for months. Since I started blogging seriously last summer, I’ve accumulated more clothes than I know what to do with! In order to keep myself from procrastinating, I set a 1 hour timer on my phone, played some music on my bluetooth speaker, and got to work. To help myself clean out my clothes, shoes, and accessories efficiently, I went section by section in my closet and separated things into the following piles:


1. Items to Try On

These are items that I’m on the fence about – AKA would I wear this again? It’s usually an item that I’ve either forgotten about in the back of my closet or I haven’t worn it in a while and am unsure how it fits. I make a pile and then try on the clothes after I’ve finished the whole clean out. During the try-on, I make a pile of things to keep and then sort the rest into the following piles:


2. Items to Sell

These are items that are gently used and typically from a brand that I think someone would want to purchase. I write down the size and description of the item in a note on my phone so I’ll know what to put in the sale caption before placing it in the pile.


3. Items to Donate

These are items that are more than gently used, out of style, or that aren’t a brand that I think someone would want to purchase. I donate this pile to my local Goodwill store.


4. Items to Throw Away

These are items that are somehow damaged – stained, torn, etc. I toss these things after I finish my clean out!


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