7 Holiday Date Night Ideas

Rudd and I will have been dating for 2 years on the 20th! Whattttt. We’re planning to visit the Biltmore house for the candlelight tour on Thursday which I am SUPER excited about! We’ve only ever been in the daytime, so I’m really looking forward to our date night. (Plus you get a free wine tasting with your tour, so you know it’s going to be good.) With that said, holiday date night ideas definitely don’t have to be expensive. This post is going to be short & sweet, and very straightforward because no one has time to read a lot of words right now ?


Holiday Date Night Outfit / Red Jumpsuit

Holiday Date Night Outfit / Red Jumpsuit


Holiday Date Night Outfit / Red Jumpsuit

Rudd’s Outfit: Tie // Blazer // White Button Down // Shoes // Belt // Pants // Watch

My Outfit: Red Jumpsuit (XS, M, XL) // Similar Jumpsuit (here, here, & here) // Earrings // Sandals // Necklace // Tortoise Bracelet



1. Go see a matinee movie + bring your own snacks

Because matinee movies = cheaper tickets + you won’t fall asleep. One of my favorite things to do is to go to the Dollar Store before seeing a movie and loading up my purse with tons of snacks/drinks ? I like this idea because there’s still time to go eat dinner together afterwards and you won’t be rushing to get anywhere else!


2. Head out to your favorite bar/restaurant to try their holiday drinks

Yay! Rudd and I like to go to Sierra Nevada to do this. Most bars/restaurants have special drinks this time of the year – it’s a fun way to put a new spin on your favorite place!


3. Plan an at-home Christmas movie double-feature

You each get to pick out your favorite Christmas movie on Netflix, etc. Pile up some cozy blankets + pillows and put on your comfiest joggers. Bonus points for sharing popcorn and other movie snacks.


4. Make fancy hot chocolate + look at Christmas lights

Make some ~fancy~ hot chocolate like this, take it in a to-go cup, blast the heat/seat heaters in your car and drive around looking at Christmas lights! (I like this one bc it doesn’t involve being outside in the cold ?)


5. Window shop + people watch

This is arguably my favorite pastime. Bundle up in a cute coat and pom-beanie, then stroll down main street together and take in all the fun Christmas displays + shoppers.


6. Have a gift wrapping party for two

Bonus points for making your own Christmas music playlist beforehand and/or crafting your very own holiday cocktails to drink while you wrap!


7. Christmas cookie bake-off

Fire up your Pinterest search bar – you each get to pick a recipe, then go shop for the ingredients together! Bake your cookies + be your own official taste testers.



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